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Thursday, January 2, 2020

How to Use Italian Reflexive Pronouns

If you want to use reflexive verbs in Italian, then you have to be familiar with reflexive pronouns, too. Reflexive pronouns (i pronomi riflessivi) mi, ti, si, ci, vi, and si look just like direct object pronouns, except for the third-person form si (which is the same in the singular and in the plural). In a reflexive sentence, the action of the verb refers back to the subject. Examples: I wash myself. - Mi lavo.They enjoy themselves. - Si divertono. In reflexive sentences, Italian verbs, like English verbs, are conjugated with reflexive pronouns. Reflexive pronouns (i pronomi riflessivi) are identical in form to direct object pronouns, except for the third person form si (the third person singular and plural form).    The following table includes the reflexive pronouns in Italian. Italian Reflexive Pronouns SINGULAR PLURAL mi myself ci ourselves ti yourself vi yourselves si himself, herself, itself, yourself (formal) si themselves, yourselves (formal) Just like direct object pronouns, reflexive pronouns are placed before a conjugated verb or attached to the infinitive. If the infinitive is preceded by a form of dovere, potere, or volere, the reflexive pronoun is either attached to the infinitive (which drops its final –e) or placed before the conjugated verb. Note that the reflexive pronoun agrees with the subject even when attached to the infinitive: Mi alzo. - Im getting up.Voglio alzarmi./Mi voglio alzare. - I want to get up. The pronouns Mi, ti, si, and vi may drop the i before another vowel or an h and replace it with an apostrophe. Ci may drop the i only before another i or an e: Voi varrabbiate facilmente. - You get angry easily.I ragazzi salzano alle sette. - The boys woke up at seven oclock.A casa, mannoio. - At home, I get bored. To see how reflexive pronouns work with reflexive verbs, see a sample conjugation of lavarsi (to wash oneself) in the table below. Lavarsi - To wash oneself Mi lavo ci laviamo ti lavi vi lavate si lava si lavano Italian Workbook Exercises Questions | AnswersReflexive PronounsA. Complete the following with the appropriate present indicative reflexive forms of the indicated verbs. Io ________ Enzo. chiamarsiQuelle ragazze ________ alle otto. alzarsiLoro ________ vicino alla porta. sedersiDaniele ________ lentamente. vestirsiNoi ________ facilmente. addormentarsiIo non ________ mai. arrabbiarsiVoi ________ sempre. lamentarsiFrancesco ________ di Teresa. innamorarsi Questions | AnswersB. Complete the sentences with one of the verbs given below.chiamarsi, diplomarsi, fermarsi, laurearsi, sentirsi, specializzarsi, sposarsi Io ________ Valentina. Tu come ________?Andate dal dottore quando non ________ bene?Maria frequenta luniversità  . Vuole prima ________ in medicina, e pio ________ in cardiologia.Gli studenti italiani ________ alla fine del liceo. Poi vanno alluniversità  .Ugo e Vittoria ________ se trovano una casa. Italian Language Study Resources: Italian Language LessonsItalian Audio PhrasebookItalian Language Audio Lab Related Articles: Understanding the Italian Present Conditional TenseGive Me a Hug! Understanding Italian Reciprocal Reflexive VerbsItalian Reflexive VerbsHow To Use Reflexive Pronouns in Spanish

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